Friday, April 17, 2009

Article Reviews by Raheel Awan

Work on Storm Water Drains Continues.
Staff Report on July 27, 2008.

This article is about the developed areas like defence and DHA which needs to be further modernized because they have the power of money on their side. Yes, develop these areas at a “maximum” pace so that they don’t complain and lead to officials being fired. The country’s millions of people are undereducated, in conditions of high poverty and being given medical support. Leave these poor people behind and tend to the rich as they will pay the money for it. The rural sector which is being overlooked is the sector that needs this kind of money used, medical assistance and subsidies on agricultural machinery and fertilizers.

We look at the developed world or the United States to be more specific. A majority of the people residing in the United States are like machines with no feelings, and have no time for their loved ones or friends and that is why there is a website like facebook making lots of money from advertisements.
Is this the kind of people we look up to as role models? Just because they have all these “things” and have a so-called better life doesn’t mean they are happy. Does this mean that they are happy? I don’t think so! Are we really willing to sacrifice our family and friends for the sake of “the better things in life?” or are we becoming self-centered, ignorant and forgetting the atrocities committed by the British on India, Africa, Asia?!? Are we becoming ignorant and forgetting what the U.S. had done to black slaves that were brought in ships that carried diseases?

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